I visited Terra Mirim for the first time in 2012. I was working on my Ph.D research with the topic of how international communities are organised and how these spaces create alternative lifestyles. Even though I was there only for an academic purpose, Terra Mirim had a big impact on my personal life. Observing the residents of Terra Mirim, listening to their stories, contributing to the daily activities of the community and participating in their shamanic rituals, I learned things that I had never found in any book. This experience helped me deeply to find my own path, inside and outside of the Academy. I appreciate each and every moment that I spent there and the profound teachings that I received. I couldn't be more grateful to the residents of Terra Mirim, for sharing with me their space, time and wisdom.
This path of diving deeply with XamAM's guidance through sacred ancestral rituals has helped to reveal the profound nature of my soul that I did not know existed. My heart has received so many blessings from this land; I am being weaved back to wholeness through these beautiful songs of healing from the community. It is impossible to receive so much love and nourishment and not flower.
On my journey as a Seeker I felt the calling to get to know Terra Mirim, while researching the Community I found XamAM, I researched her story and I was enchanted, excited, I was taken by the feeling of reencounter, a Wise Soul here on this Earth who could help me in this journey. During my initiation into Ayahuasca medicine, there were many deconstructions, so many veils falling apart, so many layers diluting, so many confrontations with fear, with death, with the shadows that I insisted in not recognising. Today I can see myself and accept myself, I take over the direction of my life, the responsibilities for all actions and consequences, I have made peace with my story and in that wholeness, honouring my Ancestry, I manifest my Being in essence on this Earth. Being initiated by XamAM is like drinking from an inexhaustible source of wisdom, it's connecting to the thread of the Divine Cosmic Web, which governs everything. Nanalô XamAM
Working with XamAM is a journey towards myself, where I arrive closer to my own universe. It’s a way of self-healing in deep contact with Mother Earth, our master. Everything has changed, inside and out, and it continues to do so. I feel the intensity of each moment; there is a place in me filled with silence. Now my life has a meaning. The deeper I dive, more creative and focused I become. The Four Elements (fire, water, earth and air) are with me all the time and show me the way. Working with the shamanic instruments is constantly changing my DNA. Old ideas and patterns are disappearing; healing of old wounds creates space for new and positive experiences. This work with XamAM is a blessing and I thank her every day and celebrate my life: ‘a seed in Mother Earth that grows in the shadow and in the light of the Divine Mother’. Profound gratitude XamAM!
To be in Terra Mirim, to be with this tribe, to be loved, to be seen, to be provoked, to be supported, it feels like for the first time my womb and my heart are beginning to connect. I am able to touch the profundity and the wisdom of the bees. I’m beginning to feel what the herbs want to tell me. I am beginning to touch my sacred feminine, to be in this feminine energy that is also really held by the masculine… the harmony. I have been given such an important key into myself. The bees showed me the Holy Grail in my womb and they dripped it in gold, in the honey. XamAM, I am so grateful to you. For the love that you give me, for the guidance you give to my soul, I am so deeply honoured to do this initiation with you. I am grateful for all the steps leading to it. I feel a lot of changes have happened, a lot of growth, some maturity. I am so grateful to the Tribe that has been teaching me how to be me.